n. 县
Dog and sh.pherd boy near Chung wu hsien. 长武县附近,狗与放牧的儿童。
Lee Hsien Loong is sworn in as Singapore's 3rd Prime Minister. 2004年的今天,李显龙宣誓成为新加坡的第三任总理。
Criminal in chains and block in market place Chung wu hsien. 长武县集市上示众的犯人。
Many other grand masters, such as Ti Hsien, Hsu Yun, etc. 试问那个寺庙、庵堂没有规矩?
Lee Hsien : In peacetime life, I have some small experience and discovery. 李弦:在平时的生活里,我有一些小小的体会和发现。
Genealogy of Yang family of Hsiang-hsiang hsien, Hunan province, China. 散居地:湖南省湘乡县等地.