Such a beautiful time ,I want to be a man with honor!!! So I am duelling with myself... I am duellist Carl. 回楼上,攻击性的言论?不想多说,你自己去擎力的贴里看看吧,呵呵,还有听说同一性质的贴不能发两次。
This was Dolohov, an officer of the Semenov regiment, a notorious gambler and duellist, who was living with Anatole. 他是和阿纳托利住在一起的多洛霍夫,谢苗诺夫兵团的军官,大名鼎鼎的赌棍和决斗能手。
rests me his minim rest, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk button, a duellist, a duellist; 他跟人打起架来,就像照着乐谱唱歌一样,一板一眼都不放松,一秒钟的停顿,然后一、二、三,刺进人家的胸膛;