Qui n'entend qu'une cloche n'entend qu'un son. 兼听则明,偏听则暗。
Foreheads which had been hidden by cloche hats were revealed and adorned with small plate shaped hats. 以前前额被吊钟型帽檐所遮蔽,现在也显露出来,用小型平顶帽来增加魅力。
What I found instead was the Sassafras La Cloche Brick Oven.It basically creates a little brick oven for your loaf of bread. 后来我看到了意大利钟型面包炉,它基本上相当于一个砖式面包烤箱。
Later that week,Charlotte met the head and heart of Trey's family,his mother,Bunny MacDougal.Charlotte was impressed with Bunny's technique.Tyey had been looking forward to Cloche all week. 几天后
A colorful and warm cloche to top off your look, handmade knit with single color for a great-looking and comfortable fit during the cold weather.A great gift idea for family members and friends. 纯手工编织质感柔软毛线帽,款式新颖、颜色亮丽、温暖舒适,是冷天不可或缺的装饰,多种颜色可供选择,适合全家老少(不建议给三岁以下的婴幼儿穿戴),送礼自用皆相宜。