Such stars periodically wax and wane in brightness: the longer a Cepheid’s period the bigger and brighter it is. 这类星的亮度有周期性盈亏:周期越长,该造父变星体积就越大,亮度也越高。
The most impossible energy hit method is launches a bunch of energetic particle to the cepheid variable, like neutrion. 最有可能的能量撞击方法就是向造父变星发射一束高能粒子,如“微中子”。
Thus, the information may back and forth transmits in Milky Way's network perhaps between these cepheid variables. 这样,信息就可以在银河系的网络之中或是在这些造父变星之间来回传输。
Zhao Miao Wang city for the week of closure Cepheid, theshi yi afterzhao jian son, named Zhao City. 赵城为周缪王封造父之地,后为赵简子食邑,故名赵城。
His first great discovery was made when he recognized a Cepheid variable star.It was in the outer area of the great nebula called Andromeda. 他识别出造父变星,做出了第一个重大发现,在仙女座星云的外围区域。