What'd fit after that great Toccata? 什么才适合那伟大的托卡塔?
What can I fit? What'd fit after that great Toccata? 我该配上什么呢?什么才适合那伟大的托卡塔?
I sat down at the piano and launched into Bach's Toccata in C major. 我在钢琴前坐了下来,开始弹奏巴赫的托卡塔C大调。
Stravinsky, to whom Lipatti showed his Toccata, could only tell him to "continue in the same direction. 斯特拉文斯基,李帕蒂给他看了他的托卡塔,只能告诉他“照此方向继续。”
It displays the motor line of the five "lines" (characters) Prokofiev describes in his own music. (Other such pieces include Toccata in D minor and the last movement of Piano Sonata No. 7). 它向我们展示了普罗科菲耶夫音乐中的五线谱上的机动车道。(其他这样的作品有:D小调托卡塔和第七钢琴奏鸣曲的最后一个乐章)。