I was beginning to feel snakebit, but tried to make the best of the situation. 我开始感到霉运连连,但还是尽量以最好的方式处理这个状况。
Beside, it introduces the basic biology of snakes and the ways to prevent and handle snakebites. 本图鉴亦简述了有关蛇类的基本生物学,以及防治和处理蛇伤的方法。
She has grown so accustomed to snakebites since infancy that she loses sleep if she has not been bitten. 她从小就被蛇咬习惯了,蛇不咬,她睡不着。
Experts look forward to improvements in worldwide treatment for snakebite. But they say the best ways to reduce death and injury from snakebites are education and prevention. 专家们致力于改善世界范围的蛇咬伤治疗,,但是他们表示,减少因蛇咬伤的死亡和受伤最好的方法是教育和预防。
These venomous pit vipers, members of the lancehead, or fer-de-lance, family, are common throughout their range and are responsible for a large number of snakebites in Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. 这种剧毒的蝰蛇是矛头蛇的一种,在其分布地区十分常见,并在巴西,巴拉圭和阿根廷等地造成了大量的毒蛇咬伤事故。