An attendant was sluicing out the changing rooms. 一位服务员正在冲洗更衣室。
Sluicing valves consist of valve, actuator and accessories. 特殊开关阀由阀门、气动执行机构及附件组成。
Lawrence sluicing out[2] its eastern end draws Ontario's attention seaward[3] . 而奔流在安大略湖东端的圣劳伦斯河又把安大略湖水引向大海。
Starting now, using three years, all corporations will adhere to standardized sluicing. 从现在起用三年多的时间,所有的企业都要做到达标排放。
Manpower at an improvised mine in Ghana includes a 13-year-old boy put to work sluicing for gold. 加纳的一个简陋矿场的工人包括一个被安排作金子冲洗工的13岁少年。