Found on the desert planet of Tatooine, the saurian ronto is a huge four-legged beast of burden. 可在沙漠星球塔图音发现的龙驼是一种类似蜥蝪的大型四足可载重爬虫动物,当地人,如贾娃族人,会用龙驼在空港城市(?
The powerful saurian mounts used by the Dark Elf cavalry are native to this place. 原:黑暗精灵骑士乘坐的强大蜥蜴坐骑原产于此地。
According to the dictionary they were fabulous animals usually represented as a monstrous winged and scaly serpent or saurian with a crested head and enormous claws. 按照字典解释龙是神话寓言中的动物,通常描绘成凶暴的有翼的和有鳞的蛇或有顶饰的头和凶狠的爪的蜥蜴。
It would go under like the great reptiles of the saurian age who attempted to control a huge body by a small, centralized nervous system that could not adapt to rapid change in the environment. 这就好像两栖动物时代的巨大爬行动物,它们试图用细小而集中的神经系统来控制庞大的身躯,那必然无法适应环境的剧变。
of,relating to,or characteristic of lizards and closely related reptiles; Saurian 蜥蜴类的、蜥蜴状的或与爬行类动物有紧密关系的;蜥蜴类动物