Pilin schools in the Riverside Park has beautiful scenery and beautiful environment, convenient traffic. 学校毗临风景秀丽的江滨公园,环境优美,交通便捷。
Mayor West town, Cixi gas appliance parts plant, Pilin China's important port city of Ningbo. 慈溪市长河镇西燃具配件厂,毗临中国重要的港口城市宁波。
The enterprise has 96 kinds of products such as troche, hard capsule, granule preparation, solid preparation.Their knockout products are “Jinnuo Pilin” Brand Beinuozhi Pill, Dianxialv Capsule. 企业产品有片剂、硬胶囊剂、颗粒剂、固体制剂等品种96个,拳头产品为“金诺匹林”牌贝诺脂片、“金诺匹林”牌颠匣铝胶囊。
Brief Introduction to the Stone Inscription Two large Chinese characters “Guo Hua” have been strikingly engraved on the cliff rock face of a hill in the fields opposite to Pilin village. 皮林村对面石帽山绿树掩映的壁岩上,醒目地刻着“过化”两个大字。
Located in the Futian District, Shenzhen, Shennan Road, east of Guangshengaosu overpass, Metro C exports to the temple, OCT Pilin Convention and Exhibition Centre and tourist areas. 酒店位于深圳市福田区深南大道,广深高速立交桥东侧,地铁车公庙C出口,毗临会展中心和华侨城旅游区。