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v.利用;对待;使用; 吸(烟);服用(毒品)

用作名词 (n.)

The present phone boxes will go out of use next year. 现有的公共电话亭明年就不再使用了。

He exemplified the use of the word. 他举例证明那个词的用法。

This use is less common in British English. 这种用法在英式英语中不多见。

He put the use of his house at my disposal. 他将房子的使用权交付给我随意处理。

He makes full use of the facts he observes. 他充分运用自己所观察到的事实。

The phrase has been in wide use from before 1950's. 这个词组从五十年代前起就被广泛运用了。

用作动词 (v.)

He tried to use the scandal to blackmail me. 他想利用这种丑闻敲诈我。

They use a computer system to organize their data. 他们利用一个电脑系统整理数据。

Rejection is not always bad, and if you use it properly, it just may go away. 拒绝并不都是不好的,如果你能够正确地对待它,那么时间长了,“拒绝”的情况会自动消失。

You should only use this door in an emergency. 在紧急情况下才能使用这扇门。

She's been using since she was 13. 她从13岁起就吸毒。

in use表示“使用中”,而of use则表示“有用的,有益的”;

use有时可解释为“需要”,常与介词for连用。表示“不需要”时,用have no use for。 Will there be any use for another copy of the book?这本书还需要另外再影印一份吗? I have no use for such things.我不需要这些东西了。

在use引导的句子中,of经常被省略。 This book seems to be (of) no use to you.I wonder if this book will be (of) any use to you.

used to do sth表示“习惯做某事”,一般指的是过去的习惯,但不用use to do来表示现在的习惯。used前后常加always,used to do还常含有“一向这样”或是“与现在不同”的意思。used to do可用于过去完成时态,但不用于现在完成时。疑问句中,used可充当助动词的角色,放在主语前。 He used to do it.他习惯那样做。 He always used to come by tram.他总习惯坐有轨电车来。 He used to live here.他一直住在这里。 People used to think that the earth was flat.人们过去总认为地球是平面的。 He said he had used to come by tram. Used he to come by tram?

used to do与would...的比较:两者都可表示过去的习惯。used to do用得比would...普遍。used to do可表示“持续的动作或是重复的行为”,而would...只表示“重复的行为”。used to do较would...来的更为客观。{He would ask me about my studies.|常暗示“他关心我”或“让我讨厌”。used to do表示经常发生的事,而would...则表示往往发生的事; 在美国,used常解释为secondhand,表示“二手的”,如used cars(二手车)。 People used to think that the earth was flat.(持续的)She used to see him every Sunday.(重复的)She would see him every Sunday.(重复的) He used to ask me about my studies.只表达了一个事实。




used to仅用于一般过去时,表示过去常常发生的事,否定式为used not to或did not use to。

used to是情态动词,只有过去式,表示过去存在的但现在已停止的情况或习惯动作。它后面接动词不定式,否定式是 used not to 或use(d) n't/to,也可用didn't use to。疑问式可以是Used+主语+(not) to...?但更常用 Did/Didn't+主语+use to...?。另外,在反意疑问句中,陈述部分用used to时,疑问部分的谓语动词可用use(d)n't 或 didn't,如果陈述部分是 didn't use to 或use(d)n't to时,疑问部分则只能分别用 did 或used。




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