Today man can outfly the sound of his own voice. 今天人类已能作超音速飞行了。
Instead of being enfeebled by age, the Elder had been empowered by it;he could outfly any gull in the Flock, and he had learned skills that the others were only gradually coming to know. 年龄并没使长者衰弱,反而使他更有力量了,他能比鸥群中任何一个都飞得快,他学会的本领,其他海鸥还只能一点一滴地慢慢理解呢。
His cockpit speakers crackled. "There isn't a droid made that can outfly you, Master." 他座舱内的扬声器发出一阵噼啪声:“没有一个机器人的飞行本领能赶得上您,师父。”
” Instead of being enfeebled by age, the Elder had been empowered by it;he could outfly any gull in the Flock, and he had learned skills that the others were only gradually coming to know. 年龄并没使长者衰弱,反而使他更有力量了,他能比鸥群中任何一个都飞得快,他学会的本领,其他海鸥还只能一点一滴地慢慢理解呢。