To interfere in the affairs of others,often officiously;meddle. 干预干涉他人事务,通常是官方的;管闲事
To interfere in the affairs of others, often officiously; meddle. 干预干涉他人事务,通常是官方的;管闲事
To interfere in the affairs of others, often officiously;meddle. 干预干涉他人事务,通常是官方的;
She hovers by the door as the bell sounds and closes it officiously in order to begin. 她漫步到门边.
Therefore, a smart offic ial from the cent ral govern ment would want to keep his relationships with the local govern ment offici als in good balance. 因此聪明的驻地官员,会小心翼翼地维持和当地官员的平衡。
Some one officiously took the dish from Bagration (or he would, it seemed, have held it so till nightfall, and have carried it with him to the table), and drew his attention to the poem. 有个人怀有奉承的心情拿走巴格拉季翁手里的银盘(要不然,他好像就要这样不停地端到晚上,并且端着银盘上餐桌),这个人请他注意那首诗。