From the point of the point of view that share, cereal song reader is done very lubberly. 从共享的角度来看,谷歌阅读器做得很笨拙。
But a lubber's salve-a pitchy salve that stung but didn't burn-wouldn't harm him if it didn't harm Eshono. 但要是外行做的药膏--一种浓稠的、只会刺痛并不灼烧的药膏--只要它不会伤害艾绍诺,也不会伤害他。
Shemsen breached like a shark-chased dolphin and gulped air like a drowning lubber. 舍姆森像被鲨鱼追逐着的海豚般跃出水面,如同溺水的陆地人一样吞咽着空气。
He retrieved a pot from beneath his hammock."I got it from one of the lubber temples. 他从吊床下面取出一个罐子,"是从陆地人的神殿里得到的。
Main Mast Top Looking down on the main mast top, you can see through the lubber hole, and the dead-eyes. 主桅杆顶向下看去,在主桅杆桅楼,你可以看到穿过水手孔,和死眼。
She is learning the appearance of goose, lubberly from inside a house goes, there still is the laugh of chuckle in the mouth. 她学着鹅的样子,笨拙地从里面一间屋子走出来,嘴里还发着咯咯的笑声。脚上穿着的她妈妈的红色鞋子,像是踩着两只小船在静谧的海面安闲地行走。