She is full of sympathizes, deals with people very lenience. 她富有同情心
All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience. 对任何腐败行为和腐败分子,都必须一查到底,决不姑息,决不手软。
Neither nourished by the sea, nor relying on high mountains, the maples surrounded by tall buildings still impart to us with lenience and masculinity. 虽无崇山峻岭依傍,也无碧海银波滋润,于这高楼局限之中,古枫树以其特有的顽强和博大的胸怀,自如运用自然神力,予人以宽厚之德阳刚之美。
In modern educational activities, lenience has become one of the core contents of the moral character of teachers. 在现代教育活动中,教师宽容已经成为现代教师品德的核心内容之一,是现代教师不可或缺的重要品质。
In modern educational activities,lenience has become one of the core contents of the moral character of teachers. 在现代教育活动中,教师宽容已经成为现代教师品德的核心内容之一,是现代教师不可或缺的重要品质。