n. (芭蕾舞的)小跳(单脚跳起单脚落地)
In a huge sideways jumps called a grand jete, a skillful ballet dancer seems to float fro an impossible length of time. 在一种幅度的侧身跳跃动作(小跳)中,一个技艺精湛的芭蕾舞演员好像在空中可以停上一段让人难以置信的时间。
During a typical grand jete, a dancer's center of gravity rises 2 feet off the ground. 在一个标准的芭蕾舞小跳动作中,舞者的重心跃到离地2英尺的高处。
Author Zhang Xiangfa Zhang Kui Liang Hao Meng Lingqiang Liu Xianghui Wang FushanLiu Yunfei Yang Mei(Zhengzhou Zhongnan Jete Superabrasives Co.;Ltd.Zhengzhou 450001;China); 作者张相法;张奎;梁浩;孟令强;刘祥慧;王福山;刘云飞;杨梅;