There was a big media hype for that new movie. 那部新推出电影有很大的媒体宣传。
People went to see the movie because of all the hype. 人们因各种天花乱坠的广告宣传而去看那部电影。
The public are not fooled by all the hype the press gave the event. 新闻界言过其实的种种报道并没有愚弄得了公众。
用作动词 (v.)Why do they hype up an election? 他们为什么要大肆宣传选举呢?
The movie has been hyped up far beyond its worth. 这部影片被吹得离了谱了。
Government nervousness about the internet was exacerbated by hype in the western press about Twitter bringing democracy to Iran. 西方媒体对于推特给伊朗带来民主的炒作刺激了中国政府对于互联网紧张的神经。