Good girls tend to be homebodies. 好女孩儿通常有很强的家庭观念。
In the summer, the wolves are homebodies, taking care of new pups. 夏天的狼很恋家,专心照顾小宝宝。
Video gamers, bookworms, and avid TV viewers tend to be homebodies . 打电动游戏的人、书呆子和电视迷都喜欢待在家里。
What does a population of homebodies mean for retailers and brand marketers? 那么对于零售商和品牌商来说,人们在家时间多了会带来什么影响呢?
You are both homebodies who appreciate good food, good quality and thrift. 你俩都是喜欢吃喝、讲究生活品质的居家一族。