n. 低质粗支亚麻纱(织物)
She is impossiple to agree ,but there is no harn in trying it. 她很可能不同意,但不妨去试一下。
The only reason I feel so excited about the karaoke session today, is because of my companions: Yan, Phyllis, Vui Yee, Jing Harn, Michelle &Daniel (Michelle's Tasmanian BF). 常言道:在家靠父母,出外靠朋友;自然的,在家围炉同父母,在外火锅同朋友!
Illustrated with examples,th e paper analyzed the principle,process and effect of water-loss,cave-in harn essing by cementing in Fujian coalfield drilling. 结合工程实例,剖析了水泥封闭堵漏在福建煤田钻探中的作用,重点论述了水泥封闭堵漏对治理漏失、坍塌的原理、过程和效果。
The Vancouver Symphony orchestra which, the orchestra music instruction and Harn cooperates with Harn once aspired to seize “Grammy”, this performance being possible be called “entire Grammy” lineup. 与哈恩合作的温哥华交响乐团、乐团音乐指导和哈恩本人都曾问鼎“格莱美”,本次演出堪称“全格莱美”阵容。
HARN High Accuracy Reference Network 高精度参考网
A Mutual Authentication Scheme Based on Improved HARN Algorithm 基于HARN改进算法的双向认证方案
v. 马具; 解下 ... 的铠甲; 解除 ... 的武装