Then, what is behind this flashiness? 太快太超前的发展,容易使人在这一物质的时代中迷失方向,甚至堕落。
Too much flashiness in blog design take any from the content. 太过花哨的版面设计并没什么好处。
She had none of the flashiness and was full of substance. "潜临床"如果放任这种失调持续发展,可进入"潜临床"状态,此时潜伏着向疾病发展的高度可能。
We must reject flashiness without substance and every sort of boasting. 这可能是宗教、家庭、快车或钓鱼。这不是一定的。
But that day it was all about bringing a little flashiness and setting up the other guys. 但是在(全明星)那天,我想专注于制造一些炫目的比赛瞬间并且和队友一起动起来。