Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator. 我曾对一条小溪谈到大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。
A super salesman and a big exaggerator 超级推销员和大牛皮将
10.Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 10.
Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 我曾对一条小溪谈起大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。
33.Once I spoke of the sea to a brook, and the brook thought me but an imaginative exaggerator; 我曾对一条小溪谈起大海,小溪认为我只是一个充满狂想的夸张者。