A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. 这条被子是用绒鸭毛做芯子的。
Eider down takes the market to had entered autumn. 羽绒服市场已经进入成熟期。
Eider Lee didn't hear clearly, or Jack didn't speak clearly. 不是李没听清楚,就是杰克没讲清楚。
The rudiment of Galanz was a small town-sized eider factory. 格兰仕前身是一家乡镇羽绒制品厂。
The down of the eider duck, used as stuffing for quilts and pillows. 羽绒绒鸭毛,用作被子和枕头的芯子
Eider down clothes of novel design have Been in short supply this winter. 设计新颖的羽绒系列服装,成为今冬的紧俏货。