Egomania was clearly part of it. 极端自我主义肯定是其中的一个因素。
Some easterners recently quit the party, complaining of his “vindictive egomania”. 最近一些东德人退出该党,抱怨拉方丹“复仇心重”、“自大狂”。
Egomania can be such a bore. 与一个自恋狂交往,有时候真没意思。
Europe's powers would have fought over their differences without Napoleon.But the scale and ferocity of conflict was due in large part to the emperor's “aggression, egomania and lust for power”. 即使没有拿破仑,欧洲强国也会因为彼此不同而发动战争,但是拿破仑战争的规模和惨烈程度却很大程度上是因为这个皇帝的“侵略性、自大狂和对权力的贪欲”。
"Football is a straightforward team game: you can't win or lose alone. You're part of a team: no egomania." 足球是一项集体运动:你不可能一个人赢或输。你是球队的一部分:不允许有自我主义。“