Objective [WT5"BZ]To evaluate the value of AFI in antepartum monitoring. 目的评价羊水指数 (AFI)在产前监护中的价值。
Considerable heterogeneity in risk factors between antepartum and intrapartum stillbirths is eident. 非常明显,产前和产时死胎的危险因素存在相当大的不一致性。
It is associated with a high rate of premature delivery, meconium stained amniotic fluid, antepartum fetal death, and fetal anoxia and stillbirth. 主要可引起早产、羊水胎粪污染、死胎及产时胎儿窘迫、死产,其病因及发病机制至今不清。
To examine disparities in risk factors for stillbirths and its occurrence in the antepartum ersus intrapartum periods. 本研究是为了考察产前和产时死胎发生的危险因素的差异。
Conclusion: Early diagnosis, especially antepartum diagnosis, can lead to a better outcome of the treatment. 结论:早期诊断尤其是产前诊断肠闭锁可以提高肠闭锁的治愈率。
Antepartum haemorrhage affects the incidence of emergency caesarean section and birthweight. 产前出血对急诊剖宫产率、新生儿体质量有一定影响。