The taxi necroses are pretty awful,are not they? 增加税收是非常讨厌的,不是吗?
The taxi necroses are pretty awful, are not they? 增加税收是奶讨厌的,不是吗?
Symptoms persisted and 13 of 16 underwent surgery again, during which necroses were found. 症状继续并且16人中13人又要在发现坏死后再次进行手术。
Canker A localized plant disease in which there is considerable NECROSES of the cortex tissue, especially in woody plants, which becomes surrounded by layers of callus tissue. 溃疡病:是由植物的局部皮层坏死引起的疾病,常见于木本植物中,溃疡处常常被愈伤组织所包围。
In 16 tendons with preious patterns of cyst and/or necroses, the MR patterns did not change and patient symptoms remained. 在16个先前有囊肿和/或组织坏死影像的跟腱中,核磁共振影像并没有发生改变,并且病人的症状也还存在。