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v. (使)消除受毒化的思想(或信仰)

Even high school biology students knew that once a mammalian cell had differentiated, and was programmed by nature to be bone or nerve or skin, it could be deprogrammed. 甚至学生物的高中学生都知道一旦哺乳动物的细胞发生分化,由自然安排成为骨骼或神经或皮肤后,它就不能够再恢复原态了。

She has called local animal trainers to see whether KP2 can be deprogrammed to stop being so playful around human beings, but experts say it's too late. 她向当地的驯兽员询问能否让KP2不再那么喜爱和人类玩耍,不过这些专业人士说,已经太晚了。

The mock-up should not be modified before it has been assessed bythe patient for at least 1 to 2 weeks, which is the usual time required for a patient to be deprogrammed from the existing situation. 为确保试用期临时贴面不会掉下来,推荐对釉质做点状的酸蚀来增强固位。一定要注意临时牙和下唇外形搭配好,这点非常重要。当然发音以及咬合功能也要考虑在其中。至少让患者适应一两周以后再对临时牙做修改。

in so doing, we will deprogram your minerals of foreign energy flow that is non-supportive of ascension and begin to reunite them into an overall flow that is associated with all minerals global wide. 这么做,我们将重新编程你矿石中不支持提升的外来能量流,开始将它们重整到和全球矿石相关的整体能量流中。

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