He pulled over beside the curbstone and smoked a cigarette. 他把车停在马路牙子边,抽了根烟。
Making all kind of blocks such as hollow block,curbstone ,interlock block,grass block,slope block. 各种外墙砌块、内墙砌块、花墙砌块、地面砖、护坡块、还可生产联锁路面砌块和路边石等砌块。
Yet the new basic education curricula show the curbstone and the unspecialized which cause the historic lack of new basic education curricula. 新基础教育课程表现出明显的淡专业性、非专业性和去专业性,这是新基础教育课程的历史性越位的具体表现,造成的是新基础教育课程的历史性缺失。
Luo An says, chongqing is beginning to create negotiable securities curbstone market (OTC) , preparatory job divides level to undertake. 罗广说,重庆正在着手设立证券场外交易市场(OTC),筹备工作分两阶段进行。
It is to dog actively next the working course that Chinese card inspect can build national curbstone market, timely bring into Chongqing system of countrywide curbstone market. 其次是积极跟踪中国证监会建立全国性场外交易市场的工作进程,适时将重庆纳入全国场外交易市场体系。