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Only members of the upper class wore a cape which came down to the elbows and was gathered into crossways folds. 女装为直筒紧身裙,自胸而下长至踝骨,单肩吊带或双肩吊带。

The terror of the man at the crossways, not knowing which road to take, will be no terror to you.Your future is of your own making. (那些站在十字路口,为了自己不知该选择走那条道路而心生恐惧的感觉不会再让你感到不安,你的未来由你自己一手创造。

Neither shalt thou stand in the crossways to kill them that flee: and thou shalt not shut up them that remain of him in the day of tribulation. 在患难之日,你不应交出他的劫后馀生。

However, the sudden fury of last night's spring rainstorm, moved those untended ferryboats away from shore, leaving them crossways in the middle of the stream. 可是,黑夜的春雨狂暴急剧,在自然的威力下,那些没有人照料的渡船,难免会被冲离岸边,横在江中。

Crossways Hotel and Restaurant - Provides details of accommodation and restaurant facilities including sample menu, function room and night club, and location and booking. 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

The conclusions are as follows: Firstly, big chain stores are roughly equally spaced in a city, and mainly situated in the arteries or crossways, and lean to residential areas. 分析认为,大型超市在城市的分布基本上是比较均匀的,一般会在主干道上或者交叉路口并偏向于居住区附近选址;超市的规模跟人流量是成较强的正相关关系,但是并不是取决于该区人口的多少;

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