The farmer was pleased to see his piles of corns on the cob. 农夫很高兴地看着成堆的玉米。
Yeah. How about corn on the cob? 好的。烤玉米怎么样?
The maize plants cannot produce a healthy cob. 玉米也无法结出较好的棒子。
This pet rabbit makes a meal of corn on the cob. 这只宠物兔子正在享受一根玉米棒子。
The plants matured and cobs began to grow and mature. 庄稼逐渐长大,玉米棒子成熟了。
The plants matured, and cobs began to grow and mature. 庄稼逐渐长大,玉米棒子成熟了。