Currency: CFA franc; 1 CFA franc=100 centimes; 1 U.S. dollar = 590 CFA francs (Nov. 1999). 货币:非洲金融共同体法郎(简称非洲法郎);1非洲法郎=100分;1美元=590非洲法郎(1999年11月)
In parting I manage to worm a franc fifty out of him.I try to squeeze another fifty centimes out of him but it's impossible. 分手时我设法从他那儿骗了一个半法郎,我想再榨出五十生丁,可是办不到。
In the game, investors were allotted 12 monetary credits, each worth 40 Swiss centimes (32 US cents), and asked to decide how much to give to the trustee. 在游戏中,参与实验的受试者担任投资者的角色,每个人会获得12 个货币筹码,每一个价值 40分的瑞士法郎 (美金32分)。
Five centimes' worth of bread. 五生丁的面包。”
Price: one tooth, one franc, fifty centimes; 收费:拔一个牙,一法郎五十生丁;