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Yangpu Great Bridge bestrides Huangpu River in Shanghai that bridges Puxi urban area and Pudong development area. 杨浦大桥是上海市跨越黄浦江连接浦西市区与浦东开发区的重要桥梁。

In the evening when I lie on my bed, it bestrides my body nimbly and flies away from my feet. 那是洋溢希望的春,也是充满绝望的冬;

Peking bestrides to carry in the north of the vast north China big plain, the mountain and stream is beautiful, the weather is pleasant. 北京雄踞于广阔的华北大平原的北端,山川秀丽,气候宜人。

Since 9/11, the image has lost its menace and become comforting: a cuddly but indomitable guardian bestrides the citadel and fends off the jets before they can slam into it and set it alight. 从911以来,这景象已失去他的威胁性而变的很安慰:可爱又不屈不挠的守卫者横跨城池并在喷射机冲入引火前打下来。

Product structure and configuration management is an important part of PDM system, which bestrides all the product lifecycle with responsibility for product data organization and management. 产品结构与配置管理是PDM系统的重要组成部分,横跨整个产品生命周期,主要负责产品数据组织与管理。

The high lately international square B bestrides for a day, the big way south of mansion postpones line, adjacent become the all international double flow airport and train south station. 高新国际广场B座雄踞天府大道南延线,毗邻成都国际双流机场和火车南站。

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