That is not simplypreposterous, but Orwellian. 这不单谬荒是,而是专制。
Our first duty is to highlight Russia's Orwellian tactics. 我们的首要责任是指出俄罗斯的伎俩。
Watergate added a distinctly Orwellian tinge to the national atmosphere. 水门丑闻使全国的气氛更添了一分澳威尔式的讽刺色 彩。
Orwellian work rules that sapped productivity and creativity have been removed. 那些侵蚀生产效率和创造力的奥威尔式(见注)的公司纪律已经被废除。
So in Orwellian fashion, the buyout firms decided to change their moniker. 因此,用奥威尔的说法,并购公司决定改名换姓。
We think immediately of Orwellian "Big Brother" world, of prisons and asylums where there is total control. 我们会立刻想到奥威尔的专制世界,想到受到完全控制的监狱和精神病院。