(pl.;monteros)(西班牙猎人戴的) 有帽沿的圆猎帽
Schmalensee, Joskow, Ellerman, Montero, and Bailey. "二氧化硫排放交易的临时评估.
Don Diego decided to fight with Montero in order to take his daughter back. 迭戈决心与蒙特罗斗争到底,夺回自己的女儿。
Montero is in love with Don Diego's wife, who is accidentally killed. 蒙特罗也爱着迭戈的妻子,但他的手下失手杀死了她。
Mrs. Montero cried when we talked about the people she hasn't seen in years. 我们谈到蒙特罗太太多年没见面的那些人的时候,她流泪了,
LegendaryJuventus hard man Paolo Montero stands up for Steven Gerrard. 乌拉圭人还保持这个在意甲9年13张红牌的历史纪录。
Former Juventus defender Paolo Montero has signed a one-year deal with Argentina's San Lorenzo. 前尤文后卫蒙特罗已经与阿根廷的圣罗伦素队签订了一年的合同。