Then there are signs where they have mistranslated a crucial word. 当然也有一些标志,它们将其中至关重要的词汇翻译错误了。
The Chinese subtitle, however, mistranslated her remarks such that the endorsement was removed. 中文字幕却错译,删去她认同的字句。
Another theory states that the Hebrew word was mistranslated, and it's supposed to be seven ages. 另一种理论表明希伯来人的话翻译错了,而将之假设为七个时代。
We distance ourselves from the project title - it was done by our press agency which obviously mistranslated our German project name into English. 我们远离该项目冠军-这是由我们的新闻机构显然误我们德国项目名称译成英文。
Some Western media have reported that China wants to land astronauts on the moon as well, but these accounts have come from unofficial sources and may have been mistranslated. 某些西方媒体报导中国也希望送太空人上月球,不过这些都是非官方消息,而且可能是翻译错误。