Subpoenas, requests for|depositions, interrogatories. |传票,要求宣誓证词
Use care in choosing those interrogatories that are applicable to the case and within the restrictions discussed above. 请按上述限制条件谨慎选择适用于本案的书面询问。
We will assist you in the preparation of answers to written discovery (such as interrogatories), which must be signed and verified by you. 我们将协助您准备书面披露的问题(例如质询),这必须由您亲自签署和宣誓证实。
The jury's consequent failure to answer special interrogatories numbered 5 and 7 was caused by such findings against the great weight of the evidence. 陪审团以后基于某种调查结果,没有对编号为5和7的专门诉案质询作答复,而该调查结果是有悖证据充足原则的。
Upon this opinion they acted, administering interrogatories, but to their annoyance Messrs. Freak and Able answered these in so masterly a fashion that nothing whatever was admitted and that without prejudice. 他们就根据这个意见着手起来,向对方提出些质问,但是可恨的是佛里克和艾布的回信非常之高明,信里什么都没有承认,而且也不侵犯对方的利益。
Discovery includes interrogatories (written questions), requests to provide documents, and depositions (recorded testimony in an informal setting), as well as other discovery tools. 披露包括质询(书面问题)、要求提供文件、书面证词(在非正式场合下的经记录的证词)以及其他披露方式。