HotCha becomes Sunshine Nation's Insiders? HotCha 成为Sunshine Nation幕后情报员?
Sunshine Nation 2009's guest performers HotCha have arrived Vancouver!What?They are our new Sunshine Nation's Insiders? Sunshine Nation 2009特别表演嘉宾HotCha来到温哥华,成为了Sunshine Nation的幕后情报员?!
They were responsible for different items of talent show.Eric Suen Yiu Wai and Chui Kin Bong performed boxing;Eric and Zheng Rong performed sword play;HotCha and Freeze performed aerobic dance. 事后郑融表示,过往从没有学过剑术,游泳才是她的专长,她笑言除了方力申和她之外,相信没有艺人够胆在综艺节目公开表演泳术。
d Hotcha! 我要B!