Having only one mouth or oral sucker, as certain flatworms. 具单吸盘的仅生有一个嘴或吸盘的,如某些扁虫
Having only one mouth or oral sucker,as certain flatworms. 具单吸盘的仅生有一个嘴或吸盘的,如某些扁虫
This is the group of flatworms that cause schistosomiasis. 这是一种能引起血吸虫病的扁形动物门动物。
This is the group of flak forms flatworms that cause the gist Schistosomasis. 大约10%25的受害人变得很糟糕,有内出血,缺铁,内藏损伤或其他问题。
Adult tapeworm infection is the infection of the digestive tract by parasitic flatworms called cestodes or tapeworms. 什麽是'绦虫感染-疾病引起的肠道寄生虫'?
Delicate as a flower petal, a marine flatworm glides along in the Pacific Ocean near Micronesia's Yap Islands. 意译:精巧的像一朵花瓣,一条海中扁形虫悄悄地沿着太平洋的密克罗尼西亚群岛的吠岛。