Sword Is for Ox, but Flack is Unharmful to Flies. 杀牛请用宰牛刀;别拿高射炮打蚊子。
I'm sure I'll get plenty of flack for this one . 电影明星到达时,人群中发生了一阵骚动。
Markets do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters. 62.
Thaughts pass in my mind like flacks of ducks in the sky. 思想掠过我的心头
Peabo Bryson and Roberta Flack sing about this holiday tradition. 他们在平安夜和圣诞节当天吃这些食物。
VideoGamer.com: Have you copped a lot of flack over this? 在这一点上你做了很多宣传么?