A fatwa is a medicine which has to be given by a qualified physician. 判例就像医药,只有具备资格的药剂师才能开出。
Elaborating on this, we'd like to cite the following fatwa issued by Sheikh M. 从上面我们已经明白,清真寺的名字在历史上所说的是整个高地。
"This Fatwa is based on the proofs of the Book and Sunnah and Consensus of the Ummah." Allah Almighty knows best. 我必定要试验你们,直到我认识你们中的奋斗者和坚忍者,我将考核关于你们的工作的报告。47:31
For that reason, she has experienced, like Rushdie, a portion of intolerance, though not on the level of a fatwa. 这三部电影探讨存在于印度社会表面底下的令人不安的问题。
The organization is currently planning a center for lectures and fatwa sessions in the virtual world. 该组织当前正计划成立一个中心用于在虚拟世界进行演讲和召开教法会议。