Eyeless and handless, the maiden remained in the forest weeping. 失去了双眼、双手的姑娘在树林中哭着。
It is one of the most familiar comparison in English that "love is eyeless". “爱情是盲目的”这句话是英语中最为人所熟悉的比喻之一。
The eyeless creature with the quacking voice would never be vaporized. 那没眼睛的鸭子嗓也不会给蒸发。
It is eyeless if we do it by impulse and take it for granted that there will be somebody buy it. 我们在公司允许的情况下,会在内部做一些小的测试,让大家去解放思想。
When children is queralling,parents should stand by and donnot take sides eyeless. 当孩子们吵架时,父母都不该插手盲目袒护自己的孩子。