To disembowel and dismember after hanging. 绞死后开膛或肢解。
Clochette: Disembowel him, stud! 猛男,把他煎皮拆骨!
Don't you have some poor animal to disembowel? |找不到弱小的动物让你开膛破肚了?
Traditionally, the monks who can't complete the task must take their own lives either by hanging or disembowelment. 按传统,不能跑完“启迪之路”的僧人要付出生命的代价,或是吊死,或是剖腹。
"Suicide by disembowelment was favoured because it was slow and painful and therefore demonstrated courage, self-control, and strong resolve. 他们喜欢采用这一自杀方式是因为切腹进行缓慢,极度痛苦,因此能够证明勇气、自制力和坚定的决心。