The problem is how to diffuse power without creating anarchy. 问题在于如何将权力分散而不造成无政府状态。
Fashion trends diffuse themselves rapidly around the globe. 时装新潮很快就在全世界流行起来。
The roses diffuse the scent to the air miles around. 玫瑰花的香味儿弥漫在几英里的空气中。
He resolved to diffuse the special knowledge that he possessed. 他决心要传播他所具有的特别的知识。
The printing press helped diffuse scientific knowledge. 印刷品有助于传播科学知识。
用作不及物动词 (vi.)Around the cluster is a huge vague diffuse nebulae. 围绕该星团的是一个巨大的模糊的弥漫星云。
Antibiotic therapy for diffuse cellulitis should be aggressive. 弥漫性蜂窝织炎的抗菌素治疗应是强有力的。
The light was diffused by the leaves. 树叶使光线漫射。
A drop of milk diffused in the water, and it became cloudy. 一滴奶在水中扩散开来,使水变得混浊不清了。
用作形容词 (adj.)Professor Smith cut off their diffuse speech and agreed to help them. 史密斯教授打断他们冗长的演讲,答应帮助他们。
"(actors, singers, etc.) perform for outside salary income without approval by the unit they belong to" 走穴
diffuse用作动词的基本意思是“(使)扩散”,指使原本凝聚在一起的东西分散开,或指将某一消息传开,即“(使)传播”; diffuse还可指(将)两种不同的东西“慢慢混合在一起”。可用于被动结构。