(=chilo irridescent virus) 奇洛彩虹色病毒,(=common iliac vein) 髂总静脉
Stone: No. Cell through Civ remain the same. 没有影响。从细胞到文明阶段都没有变。
That really depends on the type of Civ fan you are. 这得看你是文明的哪一种Fans了。
Methods LN CIV PIIIP and HA were detected by ELISA. 方法采用酶联免疫检测法(ELISA)。
How have you addressed this in Civ IV? 你们在CIV4里怎么处理这个的呢?
Fixed grammar issue with MPP causing a civ to declare war on you. 修订了由于互相保护协议,他国向你宣战的语法。
Improved random free tech selection for the Scientific civ trait. 改进了科技国家随机获得免费科技的算法。