Cuando la barba de tu vecino vieres pelar, echa la tuya a remojar. 他山之石可以攻错.
Mira quE ridIculo,le han pintado barba y gafas a la foto del profesor. 你看,这个真的很搞笑,在老师的照片上画上了胡子和眼镜。
The Barba Mountains are in many ways, the most unlikely heaven for Islamic extremists. 巴尔拜山脉从很多方面来讲,并不是伊斯兰教极端主义者的天堂。
It seems the Barbas and the Islamists are prepared to tolerate each other at presence because their hatred for the Government is greater than their hatred for each other. 看起来,巴尔拜人和伊斯兰教激进分子目前已准备互相容忍,因为他们对政府的憎恨已经远远超过对彼此的憎恨。
These are the lifeblood of the Barba people living in the villages that cling to every mountain top. 依附着山顶生长的这些橄榄树是生活在巴尔拜村庄的人们的生活来源。
Ti_ar_Gwenan_hag_ar_Merien Un droiad braw-spontus e bro burzhudus ar gwenan hag ar merien ba tal Chapel Santez Barba, war barrez Ar Faoued. 北京云豪创佳装饰有限公司北京地区装饰设计装修服务,服务涉及工程装修、办公空间、商业空间、公寓别墅、家居等。