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What is all this bullshit about Abraxas and Delgado? |艾布拉斯和狄加多这堆废话 究竟是怎么回事?

Abraxas, the Silent Opposition.Are they going for direct action? |米奇和沉默反抗军 是不是会采取直接行动?

For one, he uses the name Abraxas to describe the Supreme Being that had first generated mind (nous) and then the other mental powers. 第一,他使用了阿巴拉克斯这个名字去描述上帝拥有第一产生的思想(心灵),然后是其他精神力量。

I'm sitting in the chair, writhing in agony.A demon, a minor demon, is pinning me there, fucking with my head.Abraxas, he says, I'm Abraxas. 屋子里面的小孩子越来越烦人了,其实他和刚进来一样,但是现在我开始烦了,我看来还是对孩子没有耐心。

The Basilidian sect of the Gnostics of the second century claimed Abraxas as their supreme god, and said that Jesus Christ was only a phantom sent to earth by him. 该basilidian节的gnostics的公元二世纪声称卫矛尺作为他们至高无上的神,并表示耶稣基督只是一个幽灵送往地球由他来决定。

By using Abraxas miranda as the subjects and the feeding capacity and weight growth as the indexes,thd activities of different solvent extraction of Daphne genkwa (DG) were tested with the method of choice and no choice feeding. 以卫矛尺蠖和斜纹夜蛾为试虫

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