The dead soldiers were mourned by their womenfolk. 士兵死亡後,女眷表示沉痛哀悼。
We womenfolk are just as good as the men. 咱娘儿们不比男的差。
Womenfolks in this country are good at weaving rugs. 这个国家的妇女善织地毯。
These crude efforts to stop the onsweep of a mighty social force with the bodies of their womenfolk were the dying gasps of the andlords. 地主们妄图牺牲自己女眷的肉体来阻挡这股强大的社会力量的奔腾向前,这种卑劣的手段是他们的垂死挣扎。
Today is a special day for womenfolk as the day is celebrated as Woman's Day across the world. 今天是一个特殊的日子,因为今天是世界妇女节。