Other countries are considering tabling similar resolutions. 而其他国家则考虑将相仿决议列入议程。
They sat around the table tabling about the news. 他们曾经围桌而坐(过去的客观事实),同时,谈论着新闻。
The method of tabling a report in the Council is provided in rule 2. 提交报告的方式载于守则第2条。
The Administration planned to arrange the tabling of the relevant amendments at the LegCo in the 2005-06 session. 政府当局计划在2005至06年度会期安排将相关修订提交立法会。
Maggie: Jason, between tabling, corollaries an an an an an wiener juice we've covered absolutely nothing!!! 麦琪:杰森,我们除了吃饭、推断和这只只只香肠外,我们等于什么都没说。