The causes of pedophilia are unknown. 尚不清楚娈童癖的形成原因。
The "Bear Stearns of organized pedophilia. 就说现在这个教宗,他以前当梵蒂冈老二的时候,曾经给每个天主教牧师发过一封信。
Only the desire for sexual contact with them should be called “pedophilia”. 唯一与儿童的性接触的欲望应该被称为“娈童癖”。
The effort comes just a year after a crackdown on pedophilia backfired. 努力仅仅一年后,在打击恋童了适得其反的。
Pedophilia is rare.Hebephilia is more common and should be judged differently. 娈童癖罕见,恋童年则较为多见,这应该要做出区分的判断。