But the Cornish hills have stark chimneys standing on them; and, somehow or other, loveliness is infernally sad. 但是康华尔的山丘上却耸立着僵硬的烟囱;于是乎,可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。
The doctors tell me that's what has knocked my digestion out being so infernally jealous of her. 医生们说我消化不良就是因为我对她嫉妒得太厉害啦。
infernally clever; hellishly dangerous. 聪明绝顶的;非常危险。
and, somehow or other, loveliness is infernally sad. 于是乎,可爱竟令人感到有些许可憎的悲伤。