He's like one of those|fucking froufrou dogs... |他就像只发情的公狗...
Perhaps, says the sceptic, this is because women order froufrou drinks? 对此持怀疑态度的人表示,或许这是因为女性点的是较为精致的饮料?
Close up, the workmanship that went into each ripple and shadowy layer of tulle was inimitably precious, yet somehow the designers successfully dodged the hazard of veering into overdone froufrou. 走进看看这些华服吧,每一个褶皱、每一片薄纱上的装饰物都以一无二的手工缝制而成,而你更无法想象设计师又是如何巧妙地避免了这些装饰物相互摩擦而发出过度的声响。