Bolo Bathing Necessities Ceramics Co., Ltd. 上海宝路卫浴陶瓷有限公司
What's the mood in the camp like right now Bolo? 在像现在这样的集训中感觉如何,保罗?
Beijing Branch bolo cabinet Wei Bao Furniture Co. 北京科宝博洛橱卫家具有限公司;
Miss Bolo went straight home in a flood of tears and a sedan chair. 波洛小姐泪如泉涌,坐着轿子径直回家去了。
Retire o bolo do forno, deixe-o arrefecer um pouco e desenforme-o. 将蛋糕从烤箱中拿出,冷却一会儿,切块上桌。
Jinpei flung his bolo - it wrapped itself around a Thing's arm and detonated. Jinpei 投了他的大刀 -它在事物的手臂周围包装它本身并且引爆。